QS GROUP ADHESIVOS has a 300 m2 of laboratory space dedicated to the research and development of new products.
Technological and human resources at our disposal are what make this growth and development in new lines of products demanded by the market as possible.
Last generation sealants, MS polymers, water-based ecological adhesives, polyurethanes that allow us various applications, dispersions directed to timber industry and DIY industry, hot-melt adhwsivwa with modern cutting systems, wide range of formats, packaging and sizes, etc.

QS ADHESIVES & SEALANTS, S.A. is developing the project “Advanced automation in sealant manufacturing”. The main objective of the project lies in the acquisition of new innovative process technology, consisting of both production means and support elements for automated production management through the use of ERP-production integration software. Thanks to this innovative installation, QS will have an innovative manufacturing process that will allow it to access the automated manufacture of sealants and adhesives.
The AUTOSELL project started in July 2019 in Redován (Alicante) and will end on 01 July 2022, with a budget of €932,439 co-financed by CDTI and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund).

QS ADHESIVES & SEALANTS SL is developing the project “New formulations of sealants and high-performance hot melt adhesives”. The aim of this project is to study and develop new sealant formulations that guarantee a substantial improvement in their properties, and new formulations of high-performance hot-melt adhesives, especially in terms of thermal and mechanical resistance.
The STICKY project started in July 2019 in Redován (Alicante) and will end in June 2021, with a budget of 388,392€ co-financed by CDTI and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund).